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O Projeto Conexão Cultural Intercontinental Brasil - Dubai - Europa é uma idealização da Fundação Lady Garcia Balfour Fine Arts, em parceria com o Grupo ARTFORUM Brasil XXI e Artforum Internacional.

Gracia Balfour's official curator and art critic appointed by the president of Brazil ARTFORUM Groups XXI and Artforum International, from the date of July 1, 2016. 

A 'Fundação Lady Grácia Balfour Fine Arts' foi criada para divulga as obras de arte de sua presidente Lady Grácia Balfour, pois sua trajetória artista possui história e um importante destaque no mundo da arte, tanto no Brasil, inicialmente em São Paulo, Brasil, no final da década de 80, sec. XX, bem como em alguns países da Europa e em Dubai, Emirados Árabes Unidos, através de exposições individuais, em salões e livros de arte internacional. 

Sua importante tragetória de arte está registrada em seu site original. 

Site de Gracia Balfour:​

Lady BALFOUR, Fine ART and Culture Organization


Lady Gracia Balfour, president
- One of leading Authorities in Art.


The organization has as president, Lady  Gracia Balfour, international artist, decorator fine art and professor of visual art, residing in Dubai, UAE.


The cultural organization is deprived of the Balfour family and associated special guests and has with the main objective to organize an association of artists from different countries, for realization of art exhibitions in the city of Dubai.


The president Lady Balfour is great private collection of the owner of their works of art in Brazil and Dubai and has antique pieces acquis of Spain.

“Building new ideas or the construction of a cultural business plan in Dubai”


The art allows the construction of new links between artists, opens windows, organizes connections between art and culture of different cities and countries, to expand the artistic and cultural expressions among people in a group you can accomplish your goals.


Art can motivate the realization of good business, although there is a major crisis in the first world developed countries. And so even if there are alternatives to many business and art markets and international culture, encouraging new possibilities and perspectives.


Initially, Lady BALFOUR, Fine ART and Culture Organization has as its fundamental base, the important history, life experience, knowledge and art work of renowned artist Fine Arts, Gracia Balfour.



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